Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Gout Treatment tophi and allipurinol ?????

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    podiatrist, during toe nail fungus treatment, stated tophi on bottom of big toe, left foot. nuerologist had said there was an infection in same toe, reason for swelling! pain was very intense during this episode. mri has shown kidney stone! tophi is also at base of joint in left thumb.

    the tingling sensation and numbness is in toe and thumb. is the allipurinal going to disolve tophi and kidney stone?

    bio: 69 male, myasthenia gravis [diagnosed in 1977], 310# up from 260 before gout attacks, severe attacks went undiagnosed till 3 years ago, no blood tests offered by doctors ,until a few months ago after i reguested one after reading this forum. this doctor is a gout sufferer himself.

    i'm on 300mg and take indomethisan as flareup become evident.

    diet is monitered by almost daily readings with home meter as lab tests take 3 weeks to come back.

    uric acid was never monitered before jan , 2010, with usmeter found 7.7 mg/dl.

    recently the readings have gone to 2.0-3.0 mg/dl.

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