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    My uric acid level is at 10.5.?? I started taking uloric a few days ago and I am very scared of the side effects.? I have gotten headaches each time I have taken the pill.? I was hoping I could find a natural cure for this gout.? Unsure if there is one that works.? Anyone know of natural ways to go on this?

    Thanks everyoneConfusedCoolCool


    I'm afraid not Candy, although any recommended dietary precautions e.g. low purine foods, abstaining from alcohol etc. will be helpful at this stage until you get your level down below 5.00; then it won't matter so much.

    There seems to be a growing trend to prescribe Uloric rather than Allopurinol, probably because it is a newer and vastly more expensive drug. I'm not saying it's a bad choice, but because it's newer there is less data about the prevalence of side effects in the gout population. Whereas, the s/e of Allo are very well understood. Others on this forum who take Uloric may be able to give you feedback about their experiences with it. But from what I gather both drugs can cause tiredness, dizzyness, headaches etc. until you become accustomed to them- usually after about a month. If the symptoms persist, you should talk to your Dr.

    Don't stop taking it though.


    candy40 said:

    … and I am very scared of the side effects. …

    Candy, have you read all the info which Takeda has published on Uloric? What dosis are you taking?

    I have gout and high uric acid levels. I also have chronic renal failure (before use of meds)” .

    Has your doctor ordered a COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL TEST? It is most important (particularly with your renal history) that s/he does so since gout-fighting meds can/may have an affect on liver and/or kidneys. (Keep track of all the numbers relating to liver and kidneys to see if any changes [especially negative ones] occur while taking any kind of gout meds.)

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