I am constantly on the lookout for new information to add to GoutPal.com.

I also like to improve the way the information is presented wherever I can to make it easier for you to find the gout information that you need.

I have recently started to add discussion topics here to talk about issues raised by specific pages. This page is for discussing topics that are missing from GoutPal.com, or for suggesting improvements to layouts and features.

As new suggestions are made here, I will add them to the GoutPal Improvement Poll, and you can vote for the improvements that are important to you. Each improvement is presented as an answer, and you simply vote up those that you want to see. Very rarely, you may see an improvement that you really think is a bad idea. You can vote this down, but it would be nice if you could also add a comment here to say why you think it is a bad idea.

This is no longer applicable, as the gout support service is changing. Please see Gout Support Service Improvements Debate regarding improvements to gout forums or any other aspect of using my gout websites.