Gout Attack Treatment is my simple guide to permanently stopping all gout attacks. It applies to all gout patients who are eligible according to certain criteria listed below.

Gout can sometimes be very complicated, but in most cases, it is usually easy to treat. At GoutPal, I try to explain all the complexities of gout. However, most gout sufferers can permanently stop all gout attacks with a simple treatment plan. That way, you can easily get control of uncomplicated gout without studying hundreds of pages of gout information.

Acute Gout Attack 2020 Update

I have replaced this old plan with a range of plans that address different concerns. So you should start reading Questions for Gout Sufferers.

However, I am retaining old plans while I confirm that I’ve moved all relevant facts and tips to those new plans. So you can read the following. Then subscribe to my update service to get email when I update the new plans.

Gout Attack Treatment Choice

My Simple Gout Attack Prevention Plan will allow you to enjoy safe uric acid levels. This can take many months, or even years. Time required depends on how long you have had gout, and how diligently you follow the plan. Until you achieve safe uric acid levels, you are at risk of acute gout attacks.

If you have difficulty coping with gout pain, I suggest you consider my Acute Gout Attack Treatment Plan first. When you are comfortable treating acute gout attacks, you can start this treatment plan to make uric acid safe and permanently avoid another gout attack. Note that, if you do nothing, you will definitely get more gout attacks in the future, and they will get worse.

Before I explain my gout attack treatment plan, I must make one more important point. Historically, gout patients were advised to delay uric acid lowering treatment if they were suffering an acute gout attack. The latest research tells us that there is no reason to wait, and you can start uric acid lowering during gout flare-ups.

Simple Gout Attack Prevention Plan

My Simple Gout Attack Prevention Plan covers the following phases:

  1. Initial Dosing Phase. Select choice of gout medicine and agree initial dosage. This initial dosing phase might involve screening for allopurinol suitability
  2. Titration Dosing Phase. Increase dosage until debulking target uric acid level is reached. Target for debulking must be no higher than 5 mg/dL. However, I strongly recommend setting your debulking target to be “as low as possible” and titrating to maximum dose.
  3. Debulking Dosing Phase. Continue uric acid lowering treatment at the same dose until you have gone at least 6 months without a gout attack, and all visible tophi have disappeared.
  4. Maintenance Dosing Phase. Gradually reduce dosage until you are at 5 mg/dL, or slightly lower. Get uric acid tests at least once per year to ensure you remain no higher than 5 mg/dL.

If you need any help with gout attack treatment, you can ask in my gout forum. You can also use the gout forum to record your progress, as that will certainly help you stay focused.

Gout Attack Treatment Eligibility

To be eligible for my Simple Gout Attack Prevention Plan, you need:

A doctor who agrees to the dosing phases
If not, my personal gout treatment plan covers working with your doctor to agree an acceptable dosing plan that will keep you safe.
Genetic screening for allopurinol hypersensitivity in at-risk groups
If not, go straight to Uloric (febuxostat). Alternatively, take my personal gout treatment plan that helps you choose appropriate gout medicines.
No complications with other diseases
If you have any other disease, you should consult a rheumatologist who has gout experience.
Acceptance of pharmaceutical solutions
This gout attack treatment plan relies on drugs. If you insist on herbal medicines or non-medicine treatments, you need a more complex plan. I can provide in-depth help for you with my personal gout treatment plan.
Diligence to take daily gout medicines
If not, I can encourage and mentor you with my personal gout treatment plan.
Ability to cope with a gout attack
Until you have reached the Maintenance Dosing Phase, described above, you are at risk of gout attacks. This is not a certainty, but you must not let a gout attack interrupt your plan to lower uric acid. Daily preventative colchicine, or anti-inflammatory meds, can help until debulking lowers the risk of a gout attack. Alternatively, you can choose to fight gout attacks if and when they occur. If you are unsure, follow my Acute Gout Attack Treatment Plan, or take a personal gout treatment plan where I can mentor you through the difficult times.

Personal Gout Treatment Plans

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If you need help with gout attack treatment now, please ask in my gout forum.

Leave Gout Attack Treatment to read How To Attack A Gout Attack.

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