This is a hub page for all resources that are useful to GoutPal Foodies.

This is a hub page for all resources that are useful to GoutPal Foodies. You can find resources for other types of gout sufferer at Gout Sufferer Resources.

I have organized gout food resources to match the 7 step GoutPal Plan for Gout Foodies:

  1. Goals for Foodies Plan.
  2. Objectives clarified.
  3. Unblock bad gout food habits. Includes details of individual foods and their link to gout.
  4. Tests for schedule compliance.
  5. Progress review with optional finetuning. Includes lists of food and drink properties that help you make better choices.
  6. Actual changes assessed.
  7. Longterm maintenance or improvement.

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Leave GoutPal Foodie Resources to browse all Gout Sufferer Resources.

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