Taking Allopurinol, stopped Colchicine and have flare ups again??

Hi all, I have been on a treatment of Allopurinol (300mg daily) and taking Colchicine as a supplement (0.5mg daily) for 12 months to treat my Gout. I stopped the Colchicine 3 weeks ago and in that time have had separate flare ups. Is this normal? I would have thought that the build up of Uric acid would have subsided by now. I have taken anti-inflammatory's for the flare ups, but am concerned. I know that Allopurinal treatment will cause flare ups initially, so was wondering whether stopping the cochicine has caused the flare ups...will they stop? Should I continue with the cochicine? Please, any advice will be much appreciated....
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Gout Attack on the Scalp

About a week ago I start having bump/swelling on my head at first there just two small spot, the next day it was all over the left side of my heads and my lymph nodes on the neck, back of the ears and back of my head start hurting so much not to mention the bump on my head. Its so tender and itchy, at first I thought I must have an infection maybe something bite me. So I went to my doctor and get some lab work done. He said I have gout and my Uric Acid is 9.1 mg/dl. Have anyone else got this symptoms before? I tried to search but I could not find any information that is related to gout attack on the scalp on the head. I'm really afraid, what if this not gout but something worse. Ethnicity: Asian Sex: Male Height: 5'8 Weight: 250lbs Main Diet: Meat,Poultry and Fish... Very few Dairy or vegetables. I'm not sure if this relevant...
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Unusual Hip Gout

I am a female my weight now is 105 lbs, I have always fought a low body weight and ate any and everything to keep weight on. I ate canned sardines and oysters; I love liverwurst!! 5 years ago I had severe pain in my hip for over a year (to the point of being disabled to work) and finally convinced my doctor to test my uric acid since gout runs in my family He argued that gout does not happen in the hip. (11.6 was the outcome). My history is of being a commercial fishing captain where I sit in a chair with my feet propped out the window and my but being to lowest center of gravity. My questions: How often does gout occur in only the hip? When it lasted as long as it did is there anything to help my hip (I rarely have flareups of gout but have constsnt pain from the prolonged gout)? I can not...
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Flaxseed Oil and Gout

My only events with gout came from starting fish oil. My doctor gave me a prescription for a high quality fish oil. I immediately came down with severe gout.First time ever. I stopped taking the fish oil and received treatment. The doctor thought it was coincidence and had me restart the fish oil. We did this for a total of three times with the same results. I finally convinced him it was not a coincident. I switched to Flax seed oil and no more problems. Gout free. ...
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