Eggplant and Tofu for Gout

This Eggplant and Tofu photograph is by Annabelle Breakey from the Stir-fried Eggplant and Tofu recipe page at MyRecipes. I’ve cropped and resized their photograph. So see that page for the original photograph and its copyright details.

I intend to review this recipe on At which time I will analyze each ingredient for its impact on uric acid and gout. So to get an email notification from that website, please subscribe:

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During my search for tofu and eggplant recipes I noticed a variety of secondary ingredients. In particular, I’m looking forward to trying a black bean sauce variation. For now, I’ve selected this recipe as an easy starting point. So please let me know if you try it.

At the moment, I’m gathering research facts for both eggplant and tofu. So that I can advise readers about the impact on uric acid. Tofu has been recommended by some researchers in the past. But I want to ensure I have the latest facts before I publish a review. In the meantime, check out how tofu is a very low purine food (up to 50 mg per 100 grams). But deep-fried tofu is a low purine food (50-100 mg per 100 grams).

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